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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


AutoCAD now automatically imports a template when importing an existing drawing. (video: 8:00 min.)Import, create, update and manage your own templates. Quickly and easily add, import and share your own design template.Create complex multi-color graphics without tedious automation. (video: 1:17 min.)Press keys for commands:If you press keys to issue commands, the keyboard short-cuts will now work in place of the standard keystrokes when the menu bar is active.Press the Enter key to move the cursor to the next object.You can now resize a text box when changing the text size.Delete the last selection by holding down Ctrl and using the Delete key.The scrollbar now adjusts the selection accordingly.When the viewport is in a profile, pressing the Tab key now switches to that viewport.The Scale tool automatically responds to the Window Size setting.When viewing any non-Unicode drawing or text file, all characters are now displayed with their correct names.Paper Space and Objects:The Scale command lets you dynamically rescale the drawing based on the size of a selected drawing object.You can now edit any drawing object in Paper Space and the changes will be updated in the viewport.You can now add or delete objects in Paper Space to any drawing.You can now scroll through Paper Space drawings using the arrows in the status bar.You can now convert 2D paper space to a 3D model.You can now import the 3D Paper Space model as a 3D environment object.Layer Sorting:You can now sort the layer-related menus to group layers related to a particular tool.You can now import and export layer-related settings in your drawing.[Pasting support]You can now copy objects, attributes, or attributes plus a value.You can now paste attributes with their values.You can now paste attributes, attributes plus a value, or symbols without their properties.You can now copy from Drawing and Model Data to pasting objects, attributes, or attributes plus a value.The Paste option now controls the priority of pasting based on the tool used. For example, using the Paste option 2be273e24d

AutoCAD [32|64bit] [Latest] 2022

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