There are many reasons why you decided to become an esthetician. And you probably had your own ideas on what your esthetics career would look like – whether or not that was based in reality! Perhaps you were attracted to the idea of freedom and flexibility of having your own business.
Maybe you’re motivated by a strong desire to bring hope and help to others through skincare. Whatever the reason, were your expectations very different from your experience?
It’s natural for new estys to feel apprehensive and have questions - How long will it take to build a good client base? How much money can I make? Should I work for someone else or start my own business? It’s not unusual in the beginning to have some doubts or worries – especially when you have an empty new schedule or more time than money. So, what do you do?
The good news is, it’s not hard if you’re willing to apply the 3P formula to your career – planning, patience, and persistence. Your success or failure is your decision – not luck, or the economy or the recent pandemic. We see our share of estheticians give up and leave the industry, but we also see strong, passionate, and determined individuals move forward despite obstacles to become successful professionals. Which are you? Consider these 5 tips on what to do and not do to boost your esthetics career.
1. Manage your expectations – understand what you’re getting into! In the beginning as a newbie, you’ll no doubt have to put in extra (and maybe unpaid) hours to build your client base. Whether you work for yourself or someone else, you alone are responsible for making a success out of your situation. It will take time and you won’t start off at the top of the pay scale. You’ll have to be dedicated to make it past the 1- or 2-year mark in this business. If you don’t think you (or your finances) can survive and thrive working your way to a successful career, esthetics might not be for you.
2. Start immediately creating your personal career model. If you don’t know what you want to do you may end up doing what you don’t want. Take time during your esthetics training to brainstorm what you want your ideal career to look like. What kinds of treatments do you want to perform? Who is your ideal client? Are you working for someone else or for yourself? Your “why” is extremely important. Your why is the motivator – be it money, freedom and flexibility, or something else. Your choices have their unique pros and cons. Don’t wait until you’ve landed your first job (and it isn’t remotely what you thought you wanted) to start creating your future.
3. Problem solve – not create. You’ve chosen a helping profession where empathy, compassion, and a positive outlook are crucial. And you’ll find plenty of situations to test your attitude – from difficult supervisors to cranky clients. Master control over your emotions from the outset and don’t miss an opportunity to take the high road whenever possible. Focus on what you love about this profession, and how you’re using your unique gifts to shine up your corner of the world. The world needs you!

4. Be open to change. Change is this industry’s middle name. New treatment modalities, products, and research discoveries are constantly coming up. There is more competition than ever. Be open to continuing your education, be flexible, and embrace challenges. Don’t get mired in the past whether it relates to treatments, products, or procedures. Remember – the only constant is change – and in this business change is good!
5. Invest in yourself. Don’t expect to always be paid to improve your skills! As a professional who is passionate about their chosen career, you must invest in yourself through continuing education. Take advanced classes in product knowledge, treatments, customer service or sales. Your clients will thank you and you are worth it!
And a bonus tip: Be patient! If you ask any successful esthetician, most will tell you the most important factor contributing to that success is patience. Finding your ideal client and mapping out your ideal career can be daunting. Deciding on how you will show up (your brand ME), marketing and networking, all takes time. Don’t let anything dissuade you from sharing your gift with the world – especially fear of failure. Make a plan, work your plan, seek advice or mentoring if possible, and keep going. In the words of Winston Churchill, “If there is no wind, row.” You’ve got this.
Money, satisfaction, happiness, and your individual definition of success are all largely due to your beliefs and commitment even more than technical training. Keep that 3P formula in front of you and go. The world is waiting!
Thinking about whether or not esthetics is for you? We get it! Come talk to us, see where we learn - find out more!